GSO Test



"It is in learning music, that many youthful hearts learn to love"



At St Peter’s we are fully committed to providing a music curriculum that provides enthusiasm, self-confidence, creativity, and a sense of achievement. Through our music curriculum we aim to develop respect for various genres, cultures, and key figures throughout the musical world, including their relevance, impact, and context to today. Children will be able to critically analyse music using appropriate vocabulary with confidence, whilst respecting the thoughts and opinions of others. Children will be able to make relevant links to other areas of the curriculum. Children develop a depth of knowledge about how music is structured and created whilst exploring opportunities to use their voice and other musical instruments.  Through this, children will develop their resilience in practical situations, allowing them to be open to new possibilities, inspirations, and techniques. Our weekly classes ensure that all children learn music in a practical, interactive and creative environment. The curriculum places an equal emphasis on its three strands of learning: singing, musicianship, and composition and listening. All pupils are taught to play a melodic instrument in KS2. It is expected that after a full course of music classes all students will leave school being able to read and write musical notation.

Our school uses the Charanga scheme as the basis for its curriculum planning.  This scheme has an integrated, practical, exploratory and child led approach to musical learning.  

The learning within this scheme is based on:

  • Listening and Appraising,
  • Musical Activities (including Creating and Exploring)
  • Singing and Performing.

While there are opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge in each unit, the progression planned into the scheme of work means that the children are increasingly challenged as they move through the school. All musical learning in the scheme is based around the Interrelated Dimensions of Music; pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, texture, structure and notation.

We provide extra instrumental tuition in all orchestral instruments (plus guitar and piano) through Pelican Music - who specialise in providing high quality musicians and teachers to young musicians.

We work closely with Pelican Music service and Tri Borough Music Hub to ensure that children have access to the amazing performance and excursion opportunities on offer in our local area.



All pupils have the opportunity to perform as a singer or instrumentalist in our termly music concerts where we also showcase compositions composed by classes or by individuals. Furthermore, we perform a carol concert in the winter and a whole school musical at the end of each academic year.