Why St. Peter's?
Why St Peter’s?
Rooted in Christian faith, which underpins the school’s ethos, we seek to enable all pupils to develop their full academic potential; discover skills and talents in art, music, sport and drama; and grow in spiritual awareness and moral character. By striving for excellence within an inclusive environment, enabling every child to develop their gifts and flourish, we seek to shine as a community, so our achievements give glory to God.
…some of the things we do to make our school special for everyone:
· We teach a broad, deep and enriched National Curriculum with a range of exciting activities, visitors and events to inspire our children to love learning.
· As a Church of England school, we value learning about our God and about stories from the Bible. We also value learning about other faiths.
· As a Church of England school, we value the importance of our vision being deeply rooted in the verse ‘Let your light shine before others, so they see you good works and give glory to God' - Matthew 5 v.16
· Our vision is underpinned by the teaching of core Christian values: Perseverance, Kindness, Respect, Courage, Thankfulness and Service.
· We love going on many trips which are linked to our learning in class. We visit places of interest such as local museums, heritage sites, parks, places of worship and art galleries.
· Children in upper key stage two have the opportunity to participate in two residential visits; in Year 5 our children visit PGL for an activities based adventure; whilst the Year 6 children visit Treginnis Farm in Pembrokeshire, a Michael Morpurgo farm for city children, where they become farmers for the week.
· We have a rich after school club provision with activities such as football, Lego, art, music, dance, hockey, gardening, reading, Italian, needlework, cookery and Zumba!
· We promote and prioritise the teaching all aspects of the arts and provide numerous opportunities throughout the year for our children to develop their skills and talents in these areas. As part of this, we hold a special week dedicated to the Arts in March, when the children immerse themselves in music, dance, art and drama.
· We organise whole school special themed days throughout the year to enrich our children’s learning. These include; RE Day, Science Day, Mental Health Day, Environmental Day, Maths Day and Book Day.
· We love to read! We recently redeveloped our school library purchasing approximately 2000 new books for our children.
· We prioritise the mental health and well-being of our pupils and staff. We employ a play therapist; have two ELSA trained staff and our SENDCo is qualified to deliver and teach a mindfulness programme called Paws B. Furthermore, our Sports Coach offers mentoring to targeted children throughout the school. In June, we organise a health and well-being week for the entire school.
· We support local and national charities. Throughout the year we organise numerous fundraising events to raise funds for and awareness of a variety of worthwhile causes.
· We operate a family dining system at lunch. All of our food is cooked on site by our very own chef.
· We value and promote pupil voice. Our children, work with staff to make decisions about key aspects of school life. Every year, children take on roles as: House Captains, School Council representatives, Eco Council representatives, Arts ambassadors and RE ambassadors.
· We teach Spanish: from Year 1 all of our children learn Spanish.
· We have a specialist music teacher to take all children for class music and singing.
· Our children have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument. We organise special assemblies and events to provide our children with the opportunity to play in front of an audience.
· We have a specialist PE teacher who teaches all children from Reception to Y6 during two PE sessions each week. In addition, our children have the opportunity to play in competitive sporting events in a wide range of sporting disciplines.
· Children in Key Stage Two attend swimming lessons at Latymer Upper School.
· Our children attend enrichment opportunities at local private schools e.g. Debating at Latymer Upper School, Maths teams at Bute House. Additionally, sixth form students from Latymer teach Latin to some of our Y6 pupils on a weekly basis.
· We have support staff in every classroom who work alongside the classteacher to provide additional support for those children needing extra consolidation and those who could benefit from extension opportunities.
· We closely track the academic progress of all of our children. We put intervention support in place for children who require an additional boost. Similarly, we provide extension opportunities for pupils working above age related expectations with a focus upon the children showing mastery of a specific subject.
· We recognise the importance of strong communication between home and school. As such, we send out a comprehensive newsletter every fortnight. Additionally, every teacher writes a weekly class blog, depicting learning and activities during the week, and giving useful information to parents
· We have the support of a very active PTA who raise funds for the school and organise events which bring the entire school community together.
· We have a breakfast club available each morning from 8.00am - 8.45am
· Our children transition to wonderful secondary schools both in the state and private sector: Holland Park, West London Free School, Lady Margaret, Twyford CE High School, Latymer Upper School, Notting Hill and Ealing and Godolphin and Latymer, to name a few.