GSO Test

Welcome to the Year 3 Blog!

Our teacher is Mr Edgar 

Our  Learning Support Assistants are Ms Breen, Ms Friel and Ms Dee.  

Class Timetable

Curriculum Map

Autumn 1

Welcome to Year 3. This autumn term we are starting the year with some fantastic topics. After spending some time settling back into school, renewing our friendships and making new ones with our new friends we are going to be working hard and making a great start to Key Stage 2! As well as our great learning in the classroom, we will also have some great days with some brilliant events in school.


To start or English learning we will be looking at some alternative traditional tales from other cultures and periods of history, which link well to our learning in our other subjects. We will be using the text ‘Cinderella of the Nile’ as our inspiration. We will be looking at character development, making comparisons between texts that we know, and writing descriptions. All of this will lead to us writing our own version of an alternative fairy-tale.

Then we will be moving onto looking at writing non-chronological reports. We will be using a variety of texts that have wolves in them to inspire our writing; help us find our facts and help create our reports.


At the start of the term we will be looking at number and place value. We will be revising our previous knowledge and then building on our understanding of 3 digit and 4 digit numbers. We will be practising counting in different values, including starting to think through some of our times tables.

Don’t forget to login to TT Rock stars to get some fun timetables practise in!

We will then move onto looking at addition and subtraction. We will be beginning to learn formal methods for this calculations and use some problem solving skills when working with word problems.

If you want some daily practise to help your maths skills why not use this ‘Number of the Day’ board!


Knowledge Organiser

‘Forces and Magnets’ is the topic we are starting with in science. We will be doing lots of practical experiments to see when we use forces in our daily life. We will then go onto experimenting with magnets, thinking about how magnets can effect objects.



Knowledge Organiser

‘What is the Bibles big story and what does it reveal about having faith in God?’

This is our big question for this half term. We will be looking at the bible in detail, learning about the story that runs through the bible, where main events fit into the bible.

What is your favourite bible story?

Can you look in your bible at home and find a story?

What is a verse in the bible?


We will be using the programme Scratch in our computing lessons to be programmers. We will working on creating our own animations.

Have a look at this website to explore some scratch projects that other people have worked on


Knowledge Organiser

Our history topic for this term will be Ancient Egypt. We will be exploring the world of Ancient Egypt and how it effects our lives today. We will be learning about the culture and lives of people in Ancient Egypt – and of course learning about mummification!


Knowledge Organiser

Our topic in geography is ‘The UK’. We will be exploring areas of the UK. Looking at the different countries and their symbols and flags that make the UK. We will be looking at the unique features of the UK.

Where have you been in the UK?

It would be great to get some details/photos/information about places in the UK, which are important to the children. Maybe places they have been on holiday to or you have family that live there, or maybe somewhere else that they have lived. If you have any photos or details about this then please bring it into school or email it to Mr Edgar!


Knowledge Organiser

We are going to be starting the years art topics with studying Van Gogh, and specifically his ‘Sunflowers’ art work. We will be studying Van Gogh’s work then learning skills to help us then create our own final pieces of work. 


Our Spanish topics this half term are ‘greetings’ and ‘classroom instructions’. Have a look at the word mat below to see some of the language we will be using.


In our PE lessons we will be doing Gymnastics and Invasion games. Remember PE lessons are on Mondays and Tuesdays this year. Please bring in your PE kit on both of these days.


‘Being Me in My World’

Our RSHE topic to start the term is all about celebrating us! We will be thinking about how to make everyone feel welcome, how to make our school a happy place for everyone.

What a great first half term we have to look forward to!